Hi, welcome everybody! If you're not familiar with the story of CUPID STUPID, please go to Pages and click WHERE THE STORY ENDS. Read that prologue first and then catch up with the rest of us. For those of you familiar with the story of Chi Yat-Po and Twinkle, jump right in - the water's hot ...

Where The Story Ends

'Today, you will meet the one who means the most to you...'

A childhood adoration has blossomed into the first pangs of adult love and fishmonger CHI YAT-PO (Steven Ma Chun Wai) discovers himself excruciatingly in love with best friend TWINKLE KAN NGO LAM (Tavia Yeung), a toy shop assistant.

However, he is one step too late. Twinkle is already dating toy designer JEFF HO KOON SING (Michael Tse Tin Wah) who happens to be her boss at her new workplace, a toy designing company. Jeff is also a friend of Chi Yat-Po’s.

When Twinkle finds out Chi Yat-Po’s feelings, she is conflicted and aghast. If only he had spoken up earlier! She had been nursing certain feelings for him and who knows what would’ve happen if he had been quick on the mark.

Jeff, on the rebound from a failed romance with his colleague ANNA FONG CHEUK KEI (Mandy Cho), knows he is onto a good thing this time and is not going to give up Twinkle without a fight. He has been through hell and back the last few weeks over things at work and Twinkle is the most stabilizing factor in his life. On top of that, she appears to be a perfect playmate, happy to practise foot shuttle with him whenever the mood takes him.

Overwhelmed by the attention of these two friends, Twinkle breaks down. She is unable to think straight, let alone decide whom she truly loves – a childhood friend who is closer than a brother or a new lover who is smart, good-looking and moves in a better strata of society? In desperation, she packs her bags and leave home, begging both men to leave her alone.

Her disappearance drives Chi Yat-Po insane. Day and night, he wonders where she is and when she will return. One fateful morning, Chi Yat-Po has a conversation with his father CHI KAM KWAI (Lau Dan) over the day’s papers. A lightbulb goes on in his head. He knows where she is! It is the final day of the Foot-Shuttle Tournament and Twinkle did mention a desire to spend the day at Disneyland to celebrate an eminent victory for the team.

Chi Yat-Po rushes to Disneyland. The place is packed with visitors. Desperately, he searches for her. After awhile, he passes a photo centre and spots a picture of Twinkle taken with some of the Disney characters. A pang of joy grips his heart. He rushes out towards the great crowds. His eyes scan every person who passes before him. In a fleeting moment, he catches sight of her but she is swept away again by the rushing crowd.

For the first time in his life, Chi Yat-Po feels hope. He takes strength from this. Hither and thither he runs. To his utter joy, he spots her again. Jing Ko! Jing Ko!

But she does not appear to hear him.

Chi Yat-Po fights his way through the crowd.

Suddenly, his eyes fall on a familiar face. Jeff.

His joy is tinged with an excruciating sadness.

In slow motion, he sees through his mind’s eye the confusion of Twinkle. How she would struggle to maintain her friendship with the two of them. How she would agonize over which heart to break. How terrible her loss should she lose one of them. The face of MADAM CAR (Susan Tse) also appears. He hears her saying, ‘It’s better for two persons to be happy than for three to be unhappy...’

Can he do this to his best friend again? He loved her. Had always loved her. Always wanted the best for her. What is the best for her now?

In a flash, Chi Yat-Po knows the answer.

A small smile plays on his lips. He reaches quickly into his pocket, pulls out his phone and dials her number.

Twinkle’s phone rings. The old familiar jingle stabs his heart like a knife.

But it achieves its desired effect. With startling rapidity, Jeff turns and lifts his head. Twinkle!

Jeff rushes towards Twinkle. She looks at him blankly, as if in disbelief.

Should she break into laughter or tears?

A certain sadness creeps into Jeff’s face as he lunges forward and takes Twinkle into his arms. Twinkle, he breathes softly this time.

She puts her chin on his shoulder. Her eyes are dark and heavy.

After awhile, she murmurs, ‘So fate has decided you’re the one I’m to be with.’

Her words spread through Jeff like a blanket of warmth. Yes, he had always been a firm believer of horoscopes. So had Twinkle. Why, hadn’t they both been the recipients of a card that each read the same thing from the same horoscope machine: Today, you will meet the most important person in your life? Yes, the stars were right; they’re always right. Jeff tightens his arms around Twinkle. Relieved and happy.

Chi Yat-Po staggers backwards into the crowd. Such a deep pain crosses his chest, a pain he has never felt before.

He rushes away, before suffocation overtakes him and he loses all control over his faculties. Already, tears are pricking his eyes.


It is dawn and Chi Yat-Po sits on his fishing float. The water shimmers with the first golden rays of the sun and he is bathed in orange light.

His handphone rings. It is Twinkle. What does she want – at this hour of the day?

No, it is too soon. Too early for this. He is not ready to face her yet.

He ignores the ringing phone and pulls his legs up to his chest.

The waters are still and there is hardly any breeze. But the cold pierces his bones.

‘There’s nothing to be done … I must release her even though my heart is reluctant to let go ....’ he murmurs to himself. ‘Koon Sing, take good care of her…’

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