Hi, welcome everybody! If you're not familiar with the story of CUPID STUPID, please go to Pages and click WHERE THE STORY ENDS. Read that prologue first and then catch up with the rest of us. For those of you familiar with the story of Chi Yat-Po and Twinkle, jump right in - the water's hot ...

Cupid Stupid - Man from Outer Space?

CUPID STUPID is also known as THE STARS OF LOVE. In Cantonese, the series is entitled 戀愛星求人, which in literal terms roughly translates to 'romance with the man from outer space' - yes, a very strange and awkward title indeed.

One wonders who this man from outer space might be. Initially, my guess was Chi Yat-Po is an ET from some distant galaxy, who lands on earth and discovers love with an earthling girl – something like Jeff Bridges' Starman - or perhaps he is an undercover alien who merely fakes being nice but all the while he’s just waiting for the right moment to nuke-zap us with his pocket flashlight as in Men In Black. A fan of sci-fi movies, I must say the Cantonese title is absolutely misleading and I was tricked into watching Cupid Stupid – how very clever of TVB!

However, as the drama unfolded, I found myself thoroughly engrossed in the plot, this one idea bedevilling my mind: 'Hey perhaps Chi Yat-Po is an alien after all - where in the world can you find such good guys anymore? 'Indeed, throughout the story we find this low-born guy demonstrating chivalrous behaviour and genteel mannerisms despite all kinds of trials and tribulations he faces. Makes you think -- hmm... a rare and endangered species what... how did he end up in Hongkong? Usually, Hollywood gets its paws on these sorts of characters first ... LA first, New York second, everybody else get in line!

Well thank God, Hollywood didn't get this character and as the story turns out, Chi Yat-Po is a-hundred-percent flesh-and-blood, a very down-to-earth sort, and the reason the series is so quirkily entitled is because the drama is about horoscopes and the Chinese zodiac and how two childhood friends have their potential love relationship messed up as a result of trying to interpret astrology and imposing astrology on matters of love and friendship.

Chi Yat-Po, despite his humble station in life, turns out to be less superstitious than the people around him, best friend Twinkle included. Simple guy, not very articulate, quite naïve and innocent when it comes to love, he is so self-deprecating you almost want to kick him in the seat of his pants - but of course you don't because what sort of a guy these days says this kind of things, I ask you? - 'The one I love I will always love. The one I don't love, I will never love! Nothing will ever change this.' – sweet jeepers...

Anyway, below is the Original Synopsis of Cupid Stupid as rendered by the TVB scribes. Read it and see if you think the drama, as it is concluded by TVB, has successfully answered the question posed to Twinkle. Then come back and tell me you don't want to tear the hair from your head ...

How would one’s horoscope be interpreted and affect one’s love life? A simple note that reads ‘Getting to meet the most important person in your life’ is strong enough to draw fishmonger CHI YAT PO (Steven Ma), toy shop assistant KAN NGO LAM (Tavia Yeung) and toy designer KOON SING HO (Tse Tin Wah) into a torrid love triangle.

When making their way out of the maze, the three of them begin to hesitate. Can one’s love life really be predicted? Unlike his childhood friend LAM, PO does not believe in horoscopes. But this does not affect their friendship at all and they are even closer than ever. PO is held up to ridicule while trying to save LAM from her lovelorn woe.

Believing that PO is her Mr Right, LAM seeks every opportunity to express her love for him. Sadly PO has realized this too late, and LAM is already going out with HO, with whom she is very compatible in terms of star signs, personalities and interests. HO’s ex-girlfriend FONG CHEUK KEI (Mandy Cho) cannot bear to part from the man, forcing LAM to give up on the relationship reluctantly.

During this most difficult time, PO has once again stood by LAM with tender loving care. As time goes by, the pair has gradually developed a genuine affection for each other. All of a sudden, HO turns up and asks to get back with LAM. To LAM, HO is a dream while PO helps keep her feet on the ground. Who is she going to stay with in the end?

Yeah, why right? Why for Pete's sake? Ooh, I need a chill-pill ...

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